We will redeem coupons only for the specific item listed on the coupon, no substitutions are allowed. The redemption value will be as stated on the coupon, unless that value exceeds our retail price. No cash or credit will be given if the value of the coupon exceeds our current selling price.
All applicable sales tax are the responsibility of the customer.
Coupons must be presented at the time of purchase. Coupons may not be redeemed after the transaction has been processed.
Photocopies are not accepted.
Coupons have no cash value.
We will not accept coupons that do not have an expiration date. We will not accept coupons past their expiration date.
Sendik’s will not accept coupons that bear the logo of another retail establishment.
We will not accept coupons that appear distorted, blurry or altered in any way.
We will accept printed internet coupons that are valued at less than $1.
We will not accept internet coupons for free goods that do not have purchase requirements.
Internet coupons must be printed clearly and scan at the registers.
Internet coupons must have a serial number and expiration date.
Internet coupons must have a valid manufacturer address printed on the coupon.
Sendik’s does not allow a customer to redeem two manufacturer coupons against the same item. One coupon per item purchased.